Customer Support

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Here are some pre-sale FAQ’s (Frequently Asked Questions):

What is the extent of your Customer Support?

Customer support covers the answering of vital questions pertaining to the book and its content. This basically includes clarification on any words or explanations as well as reiteration of words or concepts as described in the book. If I feel that the book needs an addendum in order to solidify, correct or clarify any part of the book, it will be provided on a special access page on this very website. Only verified customers will have access to it.

Is Baccarat Prosperity (gambling system) difficult to learn?

Every individual has a unique pace at which they learn. Being able to grasp the concept of the strategies presented in the book especially pertaining to bet selection and money management is dependent upon one’s ability to follow instructions. If it is your first time learning a gambling system, the key is to be patient and open-minded. Understanding the concepts behind terminologies such as “Jump”, “Chop”, or “Doubling” will help you to progress in your learning. Included in the book is a list of terms with corresponding definitions that will help you in your learning journey. To answer the question though, it is not too hard to learn yet not so easy either. For a new learner, I would say the difficulty level is about a 6 on a scale of 1 to 10.

How many units can I expect to make in one shoe?

On average, you can make about 9 to 12 units per shoe. However, I’ve experienced as low as 2 units and as high as 22 units per shoe. In the game of Baccarat, people would be happy to make even just 1 unit per shoe on a consistent basis. Making 1 unit with Baccarat Prosperity is hardly a challenge if that’s your goal per shoe.

What is the bankroll required for this system?

This answer may be a bit lengthy but bare with me.

The saying, “It takes money to make money,” has a lot of truth in it. As with operating any type of income generating venture, having a bankroll (or working capital) is essential to one’s financial success. Sometimes, it takes a bit more spending to make just a small profit. Sometimes, companies spend so much money on a marketing campaign with hopes to attract more business but only to find out that they lost profit for the month.

Sometimes, when all the pieces are aligned and things go according to the plan & strategy, even the most minimal operating cost requirements reap larger profits. That goes to say that the profit or loss depends on how things play out. No one knows the future; however, one might be able to make a forecast on certain conditions from past data in order to make favorable decisions that result in consistent profits regardless of the fluctuation of gains and losses throughout any defined period of time.

Investing money into anything requires knowledge of its performance in the marketplace. With that said, operating a franchised restaurant will require a larger bankroll than running a home-based business designing websites. With any revenue generating venture, both time and money is a factor and is required to determine the financial result at the end of a defined period.

As it relates to the “business” of Baccarat, to make a consistent profit obviously requires time and money. How much? Well, that depends on how things play out. Sometimes, it requires several hundreds of units to make a measly 1-unit gain over 45 dealt hands; and other times, it only requires less than ten units to make 20+ units in the same amount of dealt hands. The idea is to prepare for “rainy days” as it’s never going to be “sunshine” all the time.

From personal experience, the average amount of units required to turn a 10 unit profit within any given session is about 80 units. This is the norm. The key point here is that one can expect an average “investment : return” ratio of “8 : 1” or a 12% return on investment. Sometimes it’s a lot higher (like 8 : 20 or 250% ROI) and sometimes it’s a lot lower (like 480 : 1 or ~0.21% ROI). These are the extremes that I’ve seen personally.

Obviously, the stronger your bankroll the tougher it is for you to go bankrupt (similar to larger corporations). I normally buy in for 500 units every time I go play. I can affirm that I have not needed more than a lifetime bankroll of 500 units. If this sounds like a lot of units for a bankroll, let me put it into better perspective for you this way…. By the time I could even come close to depleting a 500-unit bankroll, I would have already built up 500 units within roughly 50 shoes. In 2020, despite casinos being closed for awhile, I was able to play a little over 400 shoes which resulted in building up over 8 times of my lifetime bankroll. I hope you see it much clearer now.

Does this work for online casinos?

As long as the the game is dealt fairly, it will work. Just keep in mind that every shoe is different and that some shoes might even be unplayable depending on the flow of Bankers and Players. If you play online, I recommend playing at a casino that shows LIVE human dealers dealing cards in real-time (streaming audio/video) for you. Playing against a “computer” is always questionable (in my humble opinion). Here’s a URL that lists the best LIVE Baccarat games online:

Can I get individualized help or coaching on using the system?

Although the book is thorough on explaining how to use the system, I understand that some individuals would still like to receive 1-on-1 help or coaching on refining their understanding and/or use of the system. I wish I can accommodate everyone to this level of help but I have a family that requires a bulk of my time. However, if you absolutely need 1-on-1 coaching and are willing to pay for it, I can make arrangements to fill such a request for you. Just let me know via the ticketing system found below–of course, this requires you to already be a customer.

If you are not a customer yet and need pre-sale support (because the FAQ above did not answer your question), then please use the form below to submit your question.

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